Friday, December 7, 2007


Hmmm. I have just discovered something. I was looking back at my old blog, that I quit using a few months ago (too many blogs, not enough to blog) and I realized a very interesting similarity between this post and this post about the "faux-pod"...apparently I like free things. Even when they are stupid and useless or nasty and greasy. Let it be known that I have not even picked up the faux-pod since I waited in line for it at 3 in the morning...infact, I have no idea where it is....and I am ok with that. Anyhoo, read these 2 posts and you shall see that this wierd habit of mine has apparently been around for a while and is not such a new thing.


Renee said...

Where did you come from? You crack me up- you're husband must have the best time just listening and watching you! Your tags went in the mail today!
Thanks for all your support, I'm back on the horse ready to go again.

Drew said...

that is indeed funny tara!

I think I still use a sonic coupon that ive had since 2005...

Drew said...

ps. if mom and dad did not approve of e still using his studen ID, they would not approve of our coupon reuse!

Jen said...

Crap, I wish your free-loving self lived by me so we could love free things together. I don't like growing up for that very reason. I have absolutely no control on where people are allowed to live. I didn't have control before I was a grown up but all my friends and brother/sister still lived with their parents who seemed to stay put. Poo poo.