Today we celebrated 2 years of being a family! All day I have been saying and singing HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! to Malak. He was immediately singing along with me but after a while I realized that he was saying HAPPY IT'S A MYSTERY! Not quite the same... but cuter and much funnier.
I tried to spend then entire day focusing on Mal and making sure he knows how much we love him and the treasure he has been for the last 2 years. Obviously, he gets my attention every day but on a normal day there are errands to run, places to go, people to see and chores to be done as well. So I blocked off today with nothing to do but play with my baby. It was fun to give him every ounce of my attention and let him know how much I adore him.
After playing at the house all morning we went and met Eric for lunch. We ate, we played in the play area in the mall and he "drove" some cars- a few of his favorite things to do.
Malak's favorite thing in the whole world is helicopters. They make his life worth living.
So after lunch I took him to go see a helicopter. It may have been the best moment of his life. Well, until I wouldn't let him get in it. And then it turned into the worst moment of his life. But let us not focus on that part...
Malak's second favorite thing in the whole wide world is bikes.
(Okay, he thinks that bikes are motorcycles, so we just go with it cause it's funny)
Today we got him his first bike. And I'm pretty sure it is the baddest tricycle in OKC. It's a low rider. It has leather tassels. It is chromed out.
That's how he rolls.
All he needs now is some gold teeth and we'll be good.
After cruisin' around on his sweet ride for a while we ate dinner- his favorite foods: Homemade pizza, strawberries and raisins. Random? Yes. But who am I to not add raisins to the dinner menu if it's his fave?? On May 25th the Silvestri's eat raisins for dinner. Deal with it. ;)
After our funny little feast we headed off to the park for some serious play time.
He loved swinging with daddy...
And jumping with mommy...
After the park we met friends for some coffee and let the kids run around together. We also attempted a few family pics... Which was kind of a joke. :)
Fun, fun day celebrating life with my sweet baby.